i haven't posted for some days.. gomen.. m(_ _)m i just didn't know what to
anyway, the last post was about Stand Up!!, ne? well, i haven't yet finished
Episode 8 (x_x)' because just when the video has almost finished loading, i was
again, dc-ed, and que horror! the video started loading again. -_-'
so what i did was i tried to find cut-up versions (the one i was watching was a
full episode in one video) so that i could just load the last part and watch
it.. but by then, our internet connection kinda gave up on me.. i had to wait
until the next morning before i could connect successfully.. -_-'
turned out, my mom has not yet paid the phone bill, so the internet was cut.
(i'm still using prepaid right now) yeah. and that was after i spend almost
everyday alone with my little brother and sister while she was out to
i-don't-know-where. aiiya~ -____-''
hmm. what's up with me?
i applied for a Medical Transcriptionist trainee post in Ayala last May 25th,
and last Saturday (2nd of June), i recieved an sms telling me that i was
invited for an exam and interview the following Monday (4th June). i was like,
0_0!!! *shocku!* 'cause i wasn't really prepared. heck, i don't even know how
to get to the place.. (me and my geography problem -_-' ) i was kinda excited,
because i really wanted/needed it. i mean, it's like, kinda easy but
educational (all that medical terms! *__*), and helllo~ i have been
transcribing song lyrics for myself since high school 0_o! so i sort of have
the confidence that i can do what they wanted me to do.. ^__^v when i received
the sms, it was already 9pm.. and i guess i became stoopid enough to think that
it won't be okay to call back to confirm. so i resolved to call back the next
day (Sunday) to confirm. meanwhile, i did some researching for the interview..
the next day, i called the office. then somebody told me that since it is a
Sunday, there is no-one at the HR department, and that i should just call again
the next day. the next day!?! are you kidding me..? the interview and exam is
at 9am... i still didn't know how to go there (though i have a fairly good idea
about it already, the actual getting there is still kinda scary - anything
might go wrong and before i realize it, i would be really late and will not
have all the confidence about the interview.. -__-'' ) so, i smsed the number
that smsed me (are you getting this? LOL!), saying that i confirm to the
appointment, and asking if its okay to confirm by sms 'cause i can't reach
anyone at HR..
no one replied to my message.
so i was kinda left hanging (mainly because of my stoopidity.. -_-') and there
i got doubts if i should just go or not. i wanted to go, because i wanted the
job, but then again, i didn't want to go for fear of being such a pain in the
butt for being there without an appointment.. >_<
i called my friend (Karen) and she told me to just go because i will
still be entertained if i went. but by then, my confidence was already Sho's
voice-low ^__^v. again, i didn't want to be a bother (again) to anyone..
and even if i called at, let's say, 6am (before i leave the house), i still
don't have the assurance that i will not be frowned upon because of a lack of
appointment.. T~T
in the end, i decided to not go.
so now i'm back to stage one.
moral lesson: Confirm immediately. Be conscious of the day, 'cause
Sunday, even if it is not the case for you, is a rest day. Be clear-headed.
Study the geography of ,
Ortigas, Ayala, etc. 'cause one day you might need it.
next topic:
i've been watching Great Teacher Onizuka (both on GMA and on YouTube ^__^v) and
i must say, GMA, so far, is doing a very good job in subbing and cutting
scenes.. (they better be, because the showing has been postponed for the
longest time because of censorship issues, in fact, some fans were afraid it
won't really be shown at all).. i'm loving GTO right now.. <3
oh, i have been doing things in photoshop.. ^__^v waah! i learned how to make a
gif! ! ! really, when i did my first gif, i was silently screaming in
excitement ("silently", especially because it was 2:32 in the
morning. LOL)
you need not ask whose gif i made. i think you'd know the answer already, ne?
oh, and i also made a new Aiba avvy, and an Arashi banner. i'm loving
Photoshop, too right now.. ^__^v
i really wish i'd be able to come to Nino's Tanjoubi Party/Fangirl Meet-Up
by the ArashiPH girls.. *crosses fingers* hope i won't get lost~
okay, i'm hungry now. have to jumpstart my metabolism now, ok?
We choose how we see people. When we want to like someone, we can be so
tolerant. When we want to be irritated by people, we focus on their faults.
It's not other people's behavior that determines how we feel about them - it's
our attitude.
[Thanks to Cai, for the sms]