i was watching Stand Up!! last night until this morning (yeah, that's how s-l-o-w our connection is..-_-'.. i was browsing and reading and thinking and listening to a whole lot of Janne da Arc while i was waiting for the video to load..) then halfway through episode 8, i saw this guy:
i was like, "Haaro there, you, hot rocker, you~! i think i saw this
guy before, i just can't seem to remember where.." so i paused the vid and
started a semi-frantic search about "stand up!! episode guide",
"stand up!! episode 8", "episode 8 guest cast", etc.. but
was, in the end, unsuccessful.. -_-' so i decided to abandon the thought after
more fangirling and playing that part again and again, :lol: now, (in case
you haven't watched it -> eh?! :lol:) the story goes such that Udayan
(Narimiya) and Shouhei (Ninomiya) were planning to compete in a Rock competition
(we get to see Nino with a guitar, plus he's singing, too! <3) where a
boyfriend of a classmate was also competing. now this classmate was the one who
always bullies Udayan, but he's kinda gotten attached to the girl. they found
out she may be pregnant, and that the rocker boyfriend refused to acknowledge
the child, even reaching to the point of suggesting an abortion.. (but now i
was dc'ed and the video kinda refreshed so i'm not yet finished watching it
a.k.a. IT'S FREAKING STILL LOADING..AGAIN! ! ! (x_x)' grr)
anyway, after i gave up on the search for the "missing identity", i
continued watching what's there that has loaded and i eventually got to the
part of the competition.. the rocker above was being shown, and he was already
singing and working the crowd.. then, doki doki~! i was like, "shucks i
actually KNOW this song!".. then, seconds after, "DAIGO STARDUST! !
!" my tension went high at that moment, and i was kinda screaming
silently, 'cause it was "Maria" and it was Daigo
Stardust. i knew about him and that song when i was watching some perfs with
Miyavi in it [that was the song where Miyavi and Daigo kissed, right? *___*]
wow. so i was semi-fangirling at 1:23 AM. gawsh.
i also watched my first Tackey and Tsubasa video earlier. it was the
"Venus" perf with KAT-TUN and YamaPi in it. nyahaha. i wasn't able to
help myself in copying the hand movements~ ^^v and i kinda read some things
about these two and came to a hypothesis: T&T is love. or they love
each other :lol: i wanna see more of this group tuloy.. -_-'
i am still under the influence of "Sukiyanen, Osaka!" by Kanjani8.
they seem to be a lot of fun, and whoa! they have a nice over-all sound.. maybe
one of these days i'll be able to expand to K8 - after i "finish"
with Arashi. :lol:
my uni adviser also sent me an sms, asking about my paper and if i already have
a job. but because i'm just home and i don't have cellphone load, i wasn't able
to sms back. maybe tomorrow..
oh, and i am also adding EIGA SAI 2007 to my schedule (see post below).
it's free, anyway..hehe ^_^v
ganbatte, Teru-chan! d('c-)b
"although we naturally enjoy laughter more than tears, we would have to
accept that most of the wisdom we've gained along the way, we owe to the sad
[thanks to Cai, for the sms]